IDEAL  000842

IDEAL 000842

Previous Code: 576890051



Product Information

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Buy your Ideal 000842 - Mexico 3 Slimline Cf40 Thermocouple today, with a fast UK delivery..
The Ideal Mexico 3 Slimline Cf40 Thermocouple also known as the thermocoupling, whenever you start the pilot, you have to manually depress the gas valve for 10 to 20 seconds to provide the thermocouple a period of time to heat up and begin generating enough current to keep the gas valve open. If the pilot won't stay lit regardless of how long you depress the gas valve, the thermocouple could possibly be broken. You can test the thermocouple by disconnecting it from the gas valve and measuring the voltage between the conductors. You should get a reading of around 40 millivolts when the pilot flame is on. A reading of less than 25 millivolts signifies that the thermocouple is usually defective and needs to be changed., Ideal Thermocouples Can Be Dispatched For Next Working Day Delivery


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  • Warranty

    IDEAL spare parts come with manufacturers standard twelve months warranty.

  • Warning

    When replacing any spare part on appliances, use only genuine boiler spare parts that you can be assured conform to the safety and performance specification that the boiler manufacturer recommends. For your safety & your families, please do not use reconditioned or copy parts that have not been clearly authorised by the boiler manufacturer.