BAXI  7722642

BAXI 7722642

Previous Code: JJJ005655200


BAXI 7722642 PUMP KIT - UPMO - 15-60 L3 - MEGAFLO 24 HE SYSTEM

Product Information

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Buy your Baxi 7722642 - Megaflo 24 He System Pump Kit - Upmo - 15-60 L3 today, with a fast UK delivery..
The Baxi pump also known as water circulating pumps, circulate water around your central heating system. The pump pumps hot water from the boiler, round the radiators and back to the boiler, whilse the cool water goes back into the system ready for to start circulation process again


BAXI Boiler Spares orders - delivered within 24 hours for all in-stock BAXI spare parts, when purchased before 3pm. We also supply many other spare parts and accessories for BAXI boilers.


  • Warranty

    BAXI spare parts come with manufacturers standard twelve months warranty.

  • Warning

    When replacing any spare part on appliances, use only genuine boiler spare parts that you can be assured conform to the safety and performance specification that the boiler manufacturer recommends. For your safety & your families, please do not use reconditioned or copy parts that have not been clearly authorised by the boiler manufacturer.